Tips to Stay Motivated

Journey To Online Success Weekly Bits Newsletter (WBN)

Topics for this week:

— Tips to Stay Motivated

— Focus Thoughts & Forward Momentum
Tips To Stay Motivated

Over half the year has now gone by and here it is
September already.

And for many maybe it’s that time of year when you
have a little break in between the summer fun and
getting ready for the holiday fun 🙂

So why not take the opportunity now to really get
motivated and have a little business fun!

Here are a few tips…

Tip 1 – Maintain A Positive Attitude.

We’re responsible for our own actions and attitudes,
and changing them when appropriate. When you’re
around people and situations that are uplifting and
positive, don’t you feel that way too? Likewise, when
you’re around negative situations it tends to bring you
down. Take a positive approach to your daily
activities, focus on what’s good in your life, and smile
at yourself and others – even if you’re stuck in traffic!

Tip 2 – Put Your Personal Troubles In A Bubble And Let Them Float Away.

Everyone has problems, but focusing on them every
minute of every day only zaps away your energy and
your motivation. Letting them float away if only for a
short time will actually be good for you because you’ll
get a mental break. During this break you can turn
your entire attention and energy on starting and
growing your online business.

Tip 3 – Create Positive Affirmations.

If you see or hear something often enough, you will start
to believe it. Come up with statements that help you feel
good about yourself or ones that help your productivity,
such as “I’m an important and valuable person” or
“I know I’ll make good use of my time today”. After
you’ve written them down, read them aloud to yourself
at least once each day to help reinforce positive actions.

Remember, it only takes a little concentrated effort
on our part to keep motivated and productive, which
helps lead us to success in our life and our business.

Focus Thoughts & Forward Momentum

Have you heard the story of the three frogs sitting
on a log?

One frog decides to jump off … how many are left?

Take a minute now to think again before you answer…

Of course, the answer is ‘three’. Just because the
frog decided to jump doesn’t mean he did does it?

Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet! Remember to
take action this week and don’t let your business
just sit on a log (smile) . . .


To Your Success,

P.S. Still struggling with where to get started?
Get some ideas here…


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Please post below…


Journey To Online Success Weekly Bits Newsletter

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