by Donna Ragland
Journey To Online Success Weekly Bits Newsletter (WBN)
Topics for this week:
— New Year Plans and Change
— Focus Thoughts & Forward Momentum
New Year Plans and Change
“Planning is bringing the future into the present
so that you can do something about it now”.
-Alan Lakein
Alright, the new year is officially here
and started. What are you planning for your
business this year?
If you are achieving the success you want
then it would make sense to continue
what you were doing.
If you are not achieving success then it
may be time for some change.
You may have heard the following quote:
“If you do what you’ve always done,
you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
And it’s true isn’t it?
So if change is what’s needed, here are
a few questions to consider when planning
for the year:
– Are you setting realistic expectations?
– Do you have an office area to work in
with limited interruptions?
– Have you scheduled specific time for
business activities?
If you answered no to any questions it may
be helpful to consider how you can make a
change in that area to improve your results.
And as you establish your business goals for
the year you may discover other areas that
need a change as well.
Remember that sometimes it only takes a
small adjustment to make things happen and
achieve results.
Success CAN be yours!
Focus Thoughts & Forward Momentum
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results.”
-Albert Einstein
If you are not achieving the success you
want in your business, what changes will
you make this year?
To Your Planning and Success,
P.S. Access free gifts here at the New Year Giveaway…
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