On The Road To Success

by Donna Ragland

Journey To Online Success Weekly Bits Newsletter (WBN)

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On The Road To Success

“Develop success from failures.
Discouragement and failure are two of
the surest stepping stones to success.”
-Dale Carnegie

It’s good to have a reminder that as we
move along our journey to success there
will be discouragements and failures.

A technique I find useful when evaluating
situations in business is to ask questions
such as what worked well and what didn’t, or
simply asking what I can learn from this.

Taking a different perspective of failure
and learning from it helps us grow and
move forward with a new awareness.

As Henry Ford stated:

“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again,
only this time more wisely.”

Many times when going through a frustrating
period it’s hard to see beyond it. But if we
remain true to our purpose for being in
business we’ll get through it just fine.

Remember that failures are simply bumps
along the way as we travel forward on the
road to success.

To Your Continued Success,

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Journey To Online Success Weekly Bits Newsletter

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